Nucleic Acid Blotting References
8. Trnovsky, Jan, "Semidry Electroblotting of DNA and RNA from
Agarose and Polyacrylamide Gels", BioTechniques 13: 800-804 (1992).
9. “Blotting, Hybridization & Detection: An S&S Laboratory Manual”, a
publication of Schleicher and Schuell, c. 1995. This publication, put
out by a leading manufacturer of blotting membranes, gives a good set
of protocols for transfer of both proteins and nucleic acids.
10. “Hybond Blotting Guide: The direct route to excellent blotting
results”, Amersham Life Science. This publication gives very helpful
hints and tips for producing good Western, Northern and Southern
blots, along with a useful reference list. It also includes a very useful
troubleshooting guide for nucleic acid and protein blots with pictures
of the problems, description of symptoms, and proposed solutions.
1X Tris-Borate EOTA Buffer (TBE)
1X or 0.5X TBE is used for agarose gel electrophoresis and semidry elec-
troblotting of nucleic acids
Final 1X composition:
89mM Tris Base
89mM Boric Acid
2mM disodium EDTA
pH 8.3
1X Towbin Buffer
1X Tris-glycine buffer (Towbin buffer minus the methanol) is used for
agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of nucleic acids. Towbin
buffer (containing 20% methanol) is a commonly used buffer for semi-
dry transfers.
0.025M Tris Base
0.192M Glycine
20% MeOH
pH 8.3
Semidry Electroblotter
Thermo Scientific
Section 5
Technical Tips
Semidry Blotting - General
References (cont.)
Recipes for Buffers