e. Remove the O-ring from the packet and install it on the instrument base plate (see previous
image). Press (rather than roll) the new O-ring into place to be sure it is properly seated in the
f. Remove the desiccant cartridge with purge fittings from the packet, insert the cartridge in the
desiccant compartment, ensure that it is seated properly over the O-ring, and then secure it
using the two screws.
Note the correct orientation of the cartridge. You should be able to read the label on the cartridge
from the front of the instrument when the cartridge is installed.
3. Connect the purge gas source to the instrument.
a. Connect the flow coupler from the wall plumbing assembly (labeled “to spectrometer”) to the
purge inlet on the desiccant cartridge.
b. Install any sampling accessory you removed previously.
c. If you are purging the accessory, connect the straight flow coupler from the plumbing assembly
(labeled “to accessory”) to the purge inlet on the installed accessory.
4. Set the purge gas controls.
a. Open the main regulator valve and set the purge gas controls as indicated below (see Setting the
Purge Gas Controls for details). If you are not purging the accessory, set the pressure regulator
for accessories to zero.
Thermo Scientific
Nicolet Summit LITE FTIR Spectrometer User Guide
Options and Accessories