Document 1-0479-013 Rev B
Troubleshooting the AutoWAVE is much like troulbeshooting most other radio systems. Failure to
establish initial communictions is usually a setup problem in the transciever configuration, the
PC/Terminal configuration, or a problem with signal range. The transciever range can be severely
limited by low voltage from the power source. If operating on batteries, check the battery level
using the battery test switch. A lighted indicator means the batteries will operate the transceiver for
at least 30 minutes. Operation time on a fresh set of batteries will exceed 6 hours at maximum
operating rate (constant transmit).
If you are unsuccessful in attempts to make the AutoWAVE(s) communicate properly, call Thermo
Fisher Scientific (713-202-0404) service department for advice. If it is determined that the
AutoWAVE is in need of repair, then you must obtain an Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number from the service technician before returning the unit.
Examples of Common User Questions/Answers:
“I am using AutoWAVE to communicate between two PCs. I am using pcANYWHERE,
which is set to direct connection. Both pcANYWHERE and the transceiver are set to 115.2
Kbaud, yet throughput is considerably lower.”
The communication link between two computers may be slowed considerably by the UART
used in the serial port of one or both computers. If you suspect that the serial port on the
computer will not support high speed communications, then try reducing the baud rate for
that end of the connection (both on the computer and the Transceiver) to see if throughput
I have two transceivers, one configured as a master and the other as a slave. When they are
plugged in, the LEDs indicate they are receiving power, and yet they will not connect. Why
There are several reasons why this may occur:
The transceivers are running at full power and are too close to each other. If the
transceivers are within 5-10 feet of each other and will not link try either reducing
the RF power to 1 on each or moving one unit to another room.
The transceivers are not in each other’s Call Book.
The number of the slave is in the master’s Call Book, but the master’s menu is not
set to call that number.
There are several numbers in the Call Book, the master is set to Call All, and is
connecting with another transceiver in the list first.
The master is set to Call All and the number of the transceiver with which you are
trying to communicate is preceded by a setting of 000-0000.