Appendix 2 – pH buffer values at various temperatures
The following table shows the various pH values at different temperature of
the solution during calibration.
ture (
pH 1.00 pH 4.01 pH 6.86 pH 7.00 pH 9.00 pH 9.18 pH 10.01
0.96 4.01 6.98 7.12 9.33 9.47 10.32
0.99 4.01 6.95 7.09 9.24 9.38 10.25
10 0.99 4.00 6.92 7.06 9.16 9.32 10.18
15 0.99 4.00 6.90 7.04 9.11 9.27 10.12
20 1.00 4.00 6.88 7.02 9.05 9.22 10.06
25 1.01 4.01 6.86 7.00 9.00 9.18 10.01
30 1.01 4.01 6.85 6.99 8.95 9.14 9.97
35 1.01 4.02 6.84 6.98 8.91 9.10 9.93
40 1.01 4.03 6.84 6.97 8.88 9.07 9.89
45 1.01 4.04 6.83 6.97 8.85 9.04 9.86
50 1.01 4.06 6.83 6.97 8.82 9.01 9.83
55 1.01 4.08 6.83 6.97 8.79 8.99 9.81
60 1.02 4.10 6.84 6.98 8.76 8.96 9.79
70 1.02 4.12 6.85 6.99 8.72 8.92 9.76
80 1.02 4.16 6.86 7.00 8.68 8.89 9.74
90 1.02 4.20 6.88 7.02 8.65 8.85 9.73