To determine how each control operates the UA-90H, it must
first be determined which control is being used and whether
or not the 90H is ducted for fresh air ventilation. Refer to
appropriate section.
Humidity/Fan Control Panel (P/N 4024155) (Figure 1, p.7)
Humidity/Fan Control Panel WITHOUT Fresh Air
Ventilation or Damper
Humidity/Fan Control Panel WITH Fresh Air
Ventilation and WITHOUT Damper
Humidity/Fan Control Panel WITH Fresh Air
Ventilation AND Damper
Ventilation Timer/Humidity Control Panel (P/N 4024125)
(Figure 2, p.7)
Ventilation Timer and Humidity Control WITH Fresh Air
AND Motorized Damper
DEH 3000 Digital Control (P/N
Digital Controller WITH Fresh Air AND Damper
Digital Controller WITHOUT Fresh Air
4.6A Humidity/Fan Control Panel WITHOUT Fresh Air
Ventilation or Damper
The humidity/fan control panel automatically controls the humidity
of the living space. The humidity/fan control panel contains an
adjustable humidity control and a fan switch. The panel has a
cover that must remain open to the air within the living space for
accurate humidity sensing. When the fan switch is in the “ON”
position, air will be continually filtered and circulated throughout
the home. For humidity control operation refer to section 4.7.
4.6B Humidity/Fan Control Panel WITH Fresh Air
Ventilation and WITHOUT Damper
The humidity/fan control panel automatically controls the humidity
of the living space. The humidity/fan control panel contains an
adjustable humidity control and a fan switch. The panel has a
cover that must remain open to the air within the living space for
accurate humidity sensing. Outside air is continually introduced
whenever fan is “ON.” Manual operation of fan filter switch controls
outside air ventilation. Since the fan operates whenever the UA-90H
is dehumidifying outside air will also be introduced. For humidity
control operation refer to section 4.7.
4.6C Humidity/Fan Control Panel WITH Fresh Air
Ventilation AND Damper
In this configuration, a motorized damper has been installed
in the fresh air duct. When the fan/filter switch is in the “OFF”
position, the damper is closed. The UA-90H will then circulate and
dehumidify air to provide humidity control.
When the fan/filter switch is in the “ON” position, the motorized
damper will open and the fan will run, introducing outside air. The
unit may or may not be dehumidifying in the ventilation mode,
depending on the humidity control setting. See Section 4.7 for
humidity control operation.
4.6D Ventilation Timer and Humidity Control WITH
Fresh Air AND Motorized Damper
Refer to sections 4.7 through 4.9C.
4.6E DEH 3000 Digital Control WITH Fresh Air AND
Refer to Section 5.
4.6F DEH 3000 Digital Control WITHOUT Fresh Air
Refer to Section 5.
4.7 Humidity Control Adjustment
Set the humidity control to the desired
humidity level for the home. Turning the knob
clockwise results in a drier setting. See the
back of the control panel cover for set points.
The dehumidifier will run continuously until
the relative humidity (RH) is reduced to the
humidity control dial setting. Setting the
humidity control to lower RH levels will NOT
increase the dehumidification rate; the unit will
simply run longer to reduce the RH to the setting. The UA-90H unit
(and refrigerant-based dehumidifiers in general) will reduce a warm
space’s RH to a lower level than that of a cool space. Therefore
there is no benefit to set the humidity control to excessively
low levels in cool rooms; doing so will result in long periods of
ineffective dehumidifier run time. Settings below 45% are not
4.8 Fan/Filter Switch
Turning ON the fan/filter switch will cause the
UA-90H fan to run continuously, whether the
UA-90H is dehumidifying or not. This function
is desirable if the unit is used for air circulation
and filtration to achieve maximum indoor air
quality. When the switch is ON; air will be
constantly filtered through the UA-90H and
circulated throughout the house. When the
switch is OFF the fan will operate only when the humidity control
calls for dehumidification or when the ventilation timer calls for
Figure 3
Humidity Control
Adjustment Knob
Figure 4
Fan/Filter Switch
Ultra-Aire 90H Installer’s & Owner’s Manual
Ultra-Aire 90H Installer’s & Owner’s Manual