VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle) Adjustment
It is assumed you have got the spindle at roughly
the right height (see Page B Step 4)
Twist the knurled dial anticlockwise to wind the
‘fork’ down till it touches the mounting plate.
Step 2;
The main spindle has two
; Twist the knurled dial to adjust VTA
separate locking mechanisms Lock. Use the friction lock if you frequently
-Hex key adjust VTA or if you generally are happy
-Black Friction lock lever
(Unlocks clockwise)
with one setting use the hex hey to lock it as
-Release them both this is more rigid.
When adjusting VTA downward, finger
Pressure may be needed to help it down.
Using the Vibration Shunt
Your Wand Master Series
has been provided with a Vibration Shunt.
While this may also be seen as an ‘arm damper’ the
thought behind this naming is that this is designed to
‘shunt’ vibrations from the arm using a silicone oil trough.
Using this is system and taste dependent, it may be
easily raised and lowered.
Step 1; Fill
Start using the lower viscosity (smaller
number), fill to 2/3 the depth of the trough.
Step 2; Engaging the Vibration Shunt.
With the arm
in place, raise the trough by turning the knurled dial
clockwise. Raise it till the threaded rod on the
underside of the arm is just in the silicone. Listen!
To disengage, just wind the trough down. Once you
have found a position you like, the trough may be
locked in place using the lock nut on the inside end.
If you want to change oil (or remove it) use a cotton
bud and paper towel.
© Feb 2017 design
listen Ltd. v17