Congratulations on your purchase of the ZeroView Raspberry Pi Camera
Module Suction Mount.
The ZeroView is designed to make it easier than ever to use the camera
module on windows, glass, fish tanks and more!
The mount allows you to stick your Pi Zero and camera module to any flat glass
surface (or similar) and shoot or film whatever is on the other side…as long as
you have permission of course!
Your camera cable is neatly tucked behind the Pi, whilst a set of screws and
nuts keeps your camera module as close as possible to the glass to keep glare
and reflections to an absolute minimum.
Power wires hang down naturally from the Pi’s micro-USB port, and the use of
genuine USA ‘Adams’ suction cups means your ZeroView will stay stuck to your
window for as long as you need.
HATs can still be used due to the position of the Pi, allowing you to get even
more creative with your ZeroView projects.