Airplane Factory SLING LSA
Pilot Operating Handbook
Page | 3-15
Date of Issue: 07 July 2014
Revision : 1.3
Recovery from unintentional spin
The aircraft is unlikely to enter an unintentional spin unless extreme
control are applied.
Unintentional spin recovery technique:
1. Throttle
- idle.
2. Lateral control
- ailerons neutral.
3. Rudder pedals
- full rudder in direction opposite to spin
4. Rudder pedals
- neutralize rudder immediately when
rotation stops.
5. Longitudinal control
- neutralize control column or push
forward if necessary to lower nose, then
recover from dive ensuring V
and load
factor limitations are not exceeded.
In the unlikely event that applied control inputs result in the aircraft
entering a flat spin and the steps listed above do not result in recovery
(following their application for a sustained period), the following
technique may be implemented:
1. Throttle
- set to full power.
2. Lateral control
- ailerons neutral.
3. Rudder pedals
- full rudder in direction opposite to spin.
4. Rudder pedals
- neutralize rudder immediately when
rotation stops.
5. Throttle
- reduce to idle.
6. Longitudinal control
- as per step 5 (longitudinal control) above.
Intentional spins are prohibited!
Notwithstanding that installed equipment may
include GPS navigational aids, such equipment may
not be used as the sole information source for
purposes of navigation unless permitted by law.