Airplane Factory SLING LSA
Pilot Operating Handbook
Page | 4-9
Date of Issue: 07 July 2014
Revision : 1.3
Left Wing
- Wheel fairing
- security, cracks.
- Wheel and brakes
- fluid leaks, security, general
tire condition, inflation
and wear.
- Wheel strut
- condition, cracks.
- Leading edge condition
- check.
- Taxi / landing lights and lens
- check for cracks and condition.
- Fuel vent (underside of wing)
- unobstructed
- Wing trailing edge
- check condition.
- Aileron
- freedom of movement,
attachment, surface condition.
- Aileron hinges, control horn, bolts, pushrod - secure, condition.
- Flap hinges, control horn, bolts, pushrod
- secure, condition.
- Wing tip
- check condition.
- Strobe/Nav light and lens
- check for cracks and condition.
- Pitot tube
- security, unobstructed, remove