This method involves packing the food firm l y
into clean, hot jars and adding boiling liquid
( s y rup, water, or fruit juice), leaving some space
between the packed food and the jar lid.
Most raw fruits and vegetables shrink during
p rocessing, so 1/2 inch space is usually suff i c i e n t .
Exceptions are corn, lima beans, and peas which
expand during processing. These should be
packed loosely with 1 inch space allowed at top of
j a r. Enough boiling liquid should be added to
completely cover the food.
Air bubbles are released from filled jars before
adjusting lids. Follow manufacture r’s dire c t i o n s
for the type of jars (mason jars) and lids being
used. The food is then cooked and sterilized
simultaneously by processing in boiling water or
in steam.
Fruits (except apples, pears and pineapples)
and tomatoes may be canned using the
cold-pack method.
Vegetables are packed raw into cans only if
they are to be processed in a pre s s u re canner.
This method involves pre-cooking the pro d u c t
a short time before packing it. Pack it very hot
into clean hot jars. Then add hot cooking liquid
(or hot syrup or hot water), releasing air bubbles
to seal jars for pro c e s s i n g .
P re-cooking food before packing causes it to
shrink. This allows for slightly more food to be
packed into jars, than when food is packed raw.
Pack pre-cooked food loosely and allow about 1/2
inch head-space.
Floating – the rising of food to the top of jar
during processing. This can often be prevented by
p re-cooking food before packing.
The hot-pack method is used for both
vegetables and fru i t s .
Your Thunderstick Pro is ideal for making
healthy and nutritious baby food. It’s easy. It’s
fast. And the love that goes into every spoonful
will make it taste better then anything you
can buy!
The variety of meats, fruits, vegetables, beans,
rice, noodles and their endless combinations
means that your baby will eat balanced meals.
Blade C is the blade you will use for making
all baby food. You don’t need any special
equipment other than your Thunderstick Pro.
Bowls, cups, measuring cups, old baby food
jars, mason jars, and, zip lock baggies all work
for making baby food.
Using a stiff freezer baggie, use the small or
quart size, place the machine into the baggie
then turn it on low. The first step is to break up
and process the food. This is done by using a
light touch in a tapping motion. Once that is
accomplished, move the machine around in the
baggie. This will do the blending.
For infants, you will change to Blade B. This
will change the blending to puree.
Some suggestions. Give the baby some
variety. Mix and match your fruits. Do the same
with the vegetables. If you are feeding the baby
meats then mix in some of the baby’s favorite
fruit. Try to keep it as natural as possible.
Remember raw foods and foods cooked on low
and covered maintain most of the nutrients, as
well as Mother Nature’s sweeteners.
Summary of Contents for Thunder Stick Pro
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