Step by Step Instructions to Maintaining a Healthy Life-Style
Owner’s Manual
7) FIGURE 8s:
Sit upright in the SP then start to move your torso
and midsection so your hands scribe the Figure 8
(don’t pull with the arms or hands). Really
concentrate on making the most perfect "8" figure
you can. Once you master this figure, try reversing
your motion to scribe a perfect figure 8 in the
opposite direction.
Although this drill works ALL of the midsection
m u s c l e s, more emphasis is placed on the
obliques and abdominals.
Lean forward so your chest is near your thighs and
your hands are close to your knees. By radically
pivoting from side-to-side in short little bursts, try
to punch your knees in alternate fashion. You can
lift your chest away from your knees and still
maintain a pivoting punching action.
This drill places a lot of emphasis to the
abdominals and obliques.
To increase the challenge, instead of pausing at the various points suggested, move gracefully through the
entire cycle without hesitation. You can also increase the challenge by positioning the Arm Bars over your shoulders.
Performing your drills in this manner will be for Intermediate and Advanced level AB-Doer participants, indicating a
greater degree of skill improvement and muscle control! If you fatigue in any position simply:
1. Change to another movement, or
2. Slow down the speed, or
3. Reduce the range-of-motion, or
4. Return the Arm Bar to underneath your arms, or
5. STOP, your workout has ended – congratulate yourself.
( c o n t i n u e d )