Chapter 1: Appliance Hardware Functions
view the logs
audit log
shows events like:
lunash:>audit log tail -f hsm_150073_00000001.log
133098,13/01/28 14:39:37,S/N 150073 HSM with S/N 150073 logged the
following internal event: LOG: resync(0x0000002e)
133099,13/01/28 14:47:15,S/N 150073 HSM with S/N 150073 logged the
following internal event: TVK was corrupted.(0x00000027)
133100,13/01/28 14:47:15,S/N 150073 HSM with S/N 150073 logged the
following internal event: Existing Auto-Activation data won't work(0x00000029)
133101,13/01/28 14:47:15,S/N 150073 HSM with S/N 150073 logged the
following internal event: Generating new TVK...passed(0x0000002a)
133102,13/01/28 14:47:15,S/N 150073 HSM with S/N 150073 logged the
following internal event: RESTART(0x0000002f)
133103,13/01/28 14:47:35,S/N 150073 HSM with S/N 150073 logged the
following internal event: LOG: resync(0x0000002e)
Command Result : 0 (Success)
hsm tamper
WARNING - Tamper(s) Detected
hsm login
not permitted:
hsm tamper
Clear the HSM tamper. The HSM SO must be logged in to issue this command.
hsm login
This time, it works.
partition list
Confirm that the pre-existing partition is present.
Confirm that any pre-existing partition contents are there.
Next, we illustrate what happens when a physical tamper occurs while the HSM is already in Secure Transport Mode
stm transport
Enter Secure Transport Mode.
hsm tamper
lunash:>hsm tamper show
No active tampers.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7.3 Appliance Administration Guide
007-013576-005 Rev. A 13 December 2019 Copyright 2001-2019 Thales