11. Maximum value setting of reference C
Command: MODEC X1
Function: If the maximum value of the reference C is set with this
command, the reference output may be only changed
with the SETC command. The reference output is
reset to zero if this command is sent while the
reference is being output.
Parameter: X1: Maximum output (0.01 to 9999.99)
The format of the numeral is XXXX.XX.
Maximum value setting of reference D
Command: MODED X1
If the maximum value of the reference D is set with this
command, the reference output may be only changed
with the SETD command. The reference output is
reset to zero if this command is sent while the
reference is being output.
Parameter: X1: Maximum output (0.01 to 9999.99)
The format of the numeral is XXXX.XX.
Output setting of reference A
Command: SETA
Function: Set the output of the reference A. This command is
available only when the maximum value of the
reference A is set with the MODEA command. In
other condition, this command causes a GP-IB run
error. The reference output is set to zero when the
GP-600B is turned on.
Parameter: X1: Output value
(0 to maximum set value of the reference A)
The format of the numeral is XXXX.XX.