Each channel window also reads the input voltage (V
) and the output LED voltage (LED) at the CSNx pin for
each respective channel using the internal ADC of the device.
is a reading of the CHxVIN registers and
is a reading of CHxVLED registers, see
Figure 6-20. VIN and LED Voltage Measurements From Internal ADC
At the bottom of the channel window are several boxes, that are either red or green, that indicate the status of
specific warnings or faults, see
. The
box reads the CHxSTATUS bit and is logic OR of all
the fault bits for that channel with the exception of the overtemperature thermal warning bit. The "TP" box reads
the CHxTP bit and indicates overtemperature thermal protection for that channel. The BSTUV box reads the
CHxBSTUV bit and indicates the boostrap undervoltage fault condition where the BSTx voltage is less than 2.95
V. The OFFMIN box reads the CHxOFFMIN bit and indicates if the maximum duty cycle of that channel has
been reached. The LSILIM box reads the CHxLSILM bit and indicates that the low-side switch current limit fault
has occurred on that channel, which is 1.5 A typical. The HSILIM box reads the CHxHSILIM bit and indicates
that the high-side switch current limit fault has occurred on that channel, which is 2.7 A typical. The SHORT box
reads the CHxSHORT bit and indicates output short circuit fault on that channel, which means the CSPx pin is
less than 2.45 V. The COMPOV box reads the CHxSHORT bit for each channel and indicates that an
overvoltage condition on the COMPx pin, which indicates the COMPx pin is greater than 3.2 V.
Fault Trigged
Normal Operation
Figure 6-21. Status Indicators for Channels
6.4.2 Device Sub-Window: Shared Device Settings, Measurements, Register Info, and Limp Home
TPS92520EVM-133 Power UP and Operation
TPS92520EVM-133 Dual 1.6-A Synchronous Buck LED Driver Evaluation
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