TPA6120A2 EVM Top Layer
TPA6120A2 EVM Top Layer
Figure 4−1 shows the top layer of the TPA6120A2 EVM. The RCA jacks at the
inputs are configured to short to ground when no plug is inserted. The
noninverting configuration of the EVM requires that RIN− and LIN− be at
ground. Rather than have the signal go through the long signal trace to get to
the input jacks, 0-
resistors R11 and R12 are used to provide a connection
to ground much closer to the device.
A star point for ground should be chosen. For the TPA6120A2 EVM, the
ground terminal of the board is (J7). Current paths to the star ground should
be as direct as possible.
Figure 4−1. Top Layer of the TPA6120A2 EVM