ASCII Protocol - Reference Guide
May ’00
Product Description
This is a simple protocol that you can use to send ASCII character commands to the
reader. It is possible to use a standard terminal emulator program to send ASCII
commands. The ASCII protocol can only be used with RS232 or RS422.
Microcomputer Reset
TIRIS readers and control modules are equipped with a reset circuit which resets
them after power-up and if a supply voltage break-down occurs. A built-in watch-dog
function secures re-initialization should a microcomputer malfunction happen. After
each initialization the ASCII character STX (STX = 2
), together with carriage re-
turn and line feed are transmitted via the serial interface. Any characters which may
be transmitted before the STX character are random characters caused by power-on
of the interface circuit and are not relevant.
Transmit Function
The reader can operate in four different modes. In EXECUTE mode the reader trig-
gers a single command. In NORMAL, LINE and GATE modes (GATE mode is only
possible in K0) the read function is continuously triggered by the reader or control
unit. The time between two readout cycles depends on the data processing time and
the duty cycle pause. While the RF Module is in the transmitting phase, the red AC-
TIVE LED is activated.
Transponder Detection (RO, R/W or MPT)
The TIRIS readers and control modules are able to distinguish between three tran-
sponder types, they are:
Read Only =
Read/Write =
Multipage =
A character reflecting the transponder type is transmitted to the Computer (PC) with-
in the serial protocol. The characters are: R for Read Only, W for Read/Write, and M
for Multipage Transponders.
Serial Protocol
1R 0000 0000000120672337<CR><LF>
RO detected in NORMAL mode (K1)
R 0000 0000000130655388<CR><LF>
RO detected in NORMAL mode (K0)
LW 0000 0000000013444555<CR><LF>
R/W detected in LINE mode (K0)
L1W 0000 0000000013264565<CR><LF>
R/W detected in LINE mode (K1)
X1R 0000AFC234567ABC<CR><LF>
RO detected in EXECUTE mode
(hexadecimal output format)
L10M 05 1234
MPT detected in LINE mode
MPT detected in EXECUTE mode
(hexadecimal output format)