5-8 data bits
Parity bit
if enabled
stop bits
Functional Description
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
The receive logic performs serial-to-parallel conversion on the received bit stream after a valid start pulse
has been detected. Overrun, parity, frame error checking, and line-break detection are also performed,
and their status accompanies the data that is written to the receive FIFO.
Figure 26-2. UART Character Frame
26.3.2 Baud-Rate Generation
The baud-rate divisor is a 22-bit number consisting of a 16-bit integer and a 6-bit fractional part. The
number formed by these two values is used by the baud-rate generator to determine the bit period. Having
a fractional baud-rate divisor allows the UART to generate all the standard baud rates.
The 16-bit integer is loaded through the UART Integer Baud-Rate Divisor (UARTIBRD) register (see
) and the 6-bit fractional part is loaded with the UART Fractional Baud-Rate Divisor
(UARTFBRD) register (see
). The baud-rate divisor (BRD) has the following relationship to
the system clock (where BRDI is the integer part of the BRD, and BRDF is the fractional part, separated
by a decimal place.)
BRD = BRDI + BRDF = UARTSysClk / (ClkDiv × Baud Rate)
UARTSysClk is the system clock connected to the UART, and ClkDiv is either 16 (if HSE in UARTCTL
is clear) or 8 (if HSE is set).
By default, this will be the main system clock described in
. Alternatively, the UART may be
clocked from the internal precision oscillator (PIOSC), independent of the system clock selection. This will
allow the UART clock to be programmed independently of the system clock PLL settings. See the
UARTCC register for more details.
The 6-bit fractional number (that is to be loaded into the DIVFRAC bit field in the UARTFBRD register) can
be calculated by taking the fractional part of the baud-rate divisor, multiplying it by 64, and adding 0.5 to
account for rounding errors:
UARTFBRD[DIVFRAC] = integer(BRDF × 64 + 0.5)
The UART generates an internal baud-rate reference clock at 8× or 16× the baud-rate (referred to as
Baud8 and Baud16, depending on the setting of the HSE bit [bit 5] in UARTCTL). This reference clock is
divided by 8 or 16 to generate the transmit clock, and is used for error detection during receive operations.
Note that the state of the HSE bit has no effect on clock generation in ISO 7816 smart card mode (when
the SMART bit in the UARTCTL register is set).
Along with the UART Line Control, High Byte (UARTLCRH) register (see
and UARTFBRD registers form an internal 30-bit register. This internal register is only updated when a
write operation to UARTLCRH is performed, so any changes to the baud-rate divisor must be followed by
a write to the UARTLCRH register for the changes to take effect.
To update the baud-rate registers, there are four possible sequences:
UARTIBRD write, UARTFBRD write, and UARTLCRH write
UARTFBRD write, UARTIBRD write, and UARTLCRH write
UARTIBRD write and UARTLCRH write
UARTFBRD write and UARTLCRH write