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1 Product Overview
The PGA2500 is a digitally-controlled, microphone preamplifier integrated circuit designed for amplifying the
output of dynamic and condenser microphones and driving high-performance audio analog-to-digital (A/D)
shows a functional block diagram of the PGA2500.
Figure 1-1. PGA2500 Functional Block Diagram
The analog input to the preamplifier is provided differentially at the VIN+ and VIN− inputs (pins 27 and 26,
respectively). The programmable gain amplifier can be programmed to either pass through the signal at unity
gain, or apply 10 dB to 65 dB of gain to the input signal. The gain of the amplifier is adjustable over the full 10 dB
to 65 dB range in 1-dB steps. The differential output of the PGA2500 is made available at VOUT+ and VOUT−
(pins 17 and 16, respectively). Gain is controlled using a MSP430F5529 microcontroller and PGA2500EVMV2
Graphical User Interface (GUI), which can be accessed
. The microcontroller and GUI are used to program
the PGA2500 gain and support functions, see
PGA2500EVMV2 Evaluation Module
SBOU257 – JUNE 2021
Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated