Public Version
PRCM Basic Programming Model
3.6.4 Power Management Registers
PM_PWSTCTRL_ <domain_name> (Power State Control Register)
The power state control register allows controlling the power state transition of the domain.
This register holds the following bit fields:
POWERSTATE: Power state (ON, retention, or off) to be applied for the next transition
LOGICRETSTATE: Logic is retained or switched off when the domain goes into retention. This feature
is domain-dependent and is not necessarily programmable (read only).
MEMRETSTATE[1 to X]: Memory block i is retained (RAM state retained) or switched off (RAM state
not retained) when the domain goes into retention. This feature is domain-dependent and is not
necessarily programmable (read only).
MEMONSTATE[1 to X]: Memory block i in the domain is on (RAM active), retained (RAM inactive but
state retained) or switched off (RAM state not retained) when the domain is on. This feature is
domain-dependent and is not necessarily programmable (read only).
MEMORYCHANGE: Allows updating the memory state according to latest MEMONSSTATE[1 to X]
The device has the following power state control registers:
: MPU domain power management
: CORE domain power management
: SGX domain power management
: DSS domain power management
: CAM domain power management
: PER domain power management
: NEON domain power management
: IVA2 domain power management
: USBHOST domain power management
MPU domain power management has the following features:
The power state is programmable to on, retention, and off states.
Logic and L1 cache state are switchable to off and retention states when the power domain is in
retention state.
L2 cache state is switchable to off and retention states when the power domain is in retention state.
L2 cache state is switchable to off and on states when the power domain is in on state.
L2 cache state can be switched dynamically when the domain state is on (no power transition is
The L1 cache is always on when the power domain state is on.
CORE domain power management has the following features:
The power state is programmable to on, retention, or off states.
Nonretained logic is switchable to off and retention states when the power domain is in retention state.
Memory bank 1 and 2 states are switchable to off and retention states when the power domain is in
retention state.
Memory bank 1 and 2 states are switchable to off, retention, and on states when the power domain is
in on state.
Memory bank 1 and 2 states can be switched dynamically when the domain state is on (no power
transition is required).
SGX domain power management has the following features:
The power state is programmable to on, retention, and off states.
The logic is always in retention state when the power domain is in retention state.
The memory is always in retention state when the power domain is in retention state.
The memory is always in on state when the power domain is in on state.
Power, Reset, and Clock Management
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated