Public Version
IPC Mailbox Basic Programming Model
14.4 IPC Mailbox Basic Programming Model
14.4.1 Initialization Flow for the Mailbox Module
The initialization flow for the mailbox module consists of the following steps:
1. Perform a software reset of the mailbox module (see
, Software Reset).
2. Set the idle mode and clock configuration of the mailbox module (see
, Idle Mode and
Clock Configuration). Software Reset
To perform a software reset, write 1 in the MAILBOX.
[1] SOFTRESET bit. The
[0] RESETDONE bit indicates that the software reset is complete when
its value is 1.
When the software reset completes, the MAILBOX.
[1] SOFTRESET bit is
automatically reset. The software must ensure that the software reset completes before doing mailbox
[1] SOFTRESET bit, 0 must be written in the other bits
of the MAILBOX.
register. Idle Mode and Clock Configuration
The idle mode and clock configuration is done by setting the MAILBOX.
SIDLEMODE field and the MAILBOX.
[0] AUTOIDLE bit (see
Mailbox Register Manual, for more information).
14.4.2 Mailbox Assignment
Before communicating, mailboxes can be explicitly assigned to a user using the appropriate
register. The software must ensure that only one sender and one
receiver are assigned per mailbox.
For example, to assign mailbox 1 (m = 1) to the MPU (u = 0, see
, Mailbox Functional
Description, for the user number) as a receiver, set the MAILBOX.MAILBOX_IRQENABLE_0[2]
NEWMSGENABLEUUMB1 bit to generate an interrupt to the MPU when a new message is received in
mailbox 1.
To assign mailbox 0 (m = 0) to the MPU (u = 0) as a sender, set the
MAILBOX.MAILBOX_IRQENABLE_0[1] NOTFULLENABLEUUMB0 bit to generate an interrupt to the
MPU when the message queue of mailbox 0 is not full.
14.4.3 Mailbox Communication Preparation
Before communicating with another user, the sender must first use one of the following methods to
determine that the mailbox message FIFO queue is not full:
Poll the MAILBOX.
[0] FIFOFULLMB bit or the
[2:0] NBOFMSGMB field to determine if there is an open slot
available to write a message.
If the queue-not-full interrupt is enabled by setting the corresponding bit in the
register, an interrupt to the sender indicates that the mailbox has
an available slot. To avoid continuous interrupt to the sender, it is recommended that the software
waits until the message queue is full by reading the MAILBOX.
NBOFMSGMB field before enabling the interrupt in the MAILBOX.
When a queue-not-full interrupt is generated to the sender, the interrupt should be disabled until the
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Interprocessor Communication
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated