Public Version
Camera ISP Basic Programming Model Camera ISP CSI1/CCP2B Controls
The logical channel is controlled by the CCP2_LCx_CTRL register.
The logical channel is enabled by setting CCP2_LCx_CTRL[0] CHAN_EN = 0x1. By default, all logical
channels except logical channel 0 are disabled. Only the pixel data of one logical channel can go to the
Video processing hardware; the SOF and EOF lines are always sent to memory through the interconnect
interface. Setting CCP2_LCx_CTRL[0] CHAN_EN (x=1), CCP2_LCx_CTRL[0] CHAN_EN (x=2), or
CCP2_LCx_CTRL[0] CHAN_EN = 0x1 (x=3) has no effect if CCP2_CTRL[4] MODE = 0x0. Camera ISP CSI1/CCP2B Region of Interest
[1] REGION_EN bit enables the region-of-interest feature (SOF lines, pixel data,
and EOF lines):
If enabled, register settings set the position and size of each region; all data not in a region of interest
are ignored.
If disabled, all data in the frame are output.
[1] REGION_EN is set to 0x0 for a JPEG
bitstream. Camera ISP CSI1/CCP2B CRC
The CRC can be enabled or disabled with
[19] CRC_EN. If the received checksum and
the computed checksum do not match, an interrupt is triggered: the corresponding event is
LCx_CRC_IRQ. Setting
[19] CRC_EN = 0x1 has no effect if
[4] MODE =
0x0. Camera ISP CSI1/CCP2B Destination Format
Control the destination format:
The CSI1/CCP2B receiver reformats received data to store it in memory or to send it to the Videp
processing hardware.
[7:2] FORMAT controls destination-data format:
EXP8 = Data expansion to 8 bits, padding with zeros
EXP16 = Data expansion to 16 bits, padding with alpha or zeros
[15:8] ALPHA can
be used to set an alpha value. For EXP16:
data_out[31:28]=ALPHA[3:0] and data_out[27:16]=RGB444
data_out[15:12]=ALPHA[3:0] and data_out[11:0]=RGB444
EXP32 = Data expansion to 32 bits, padding with alpha.
[15:8] ALPHA can be
used to set an alpha value. For EXP32: data_out[31:24]=ALPHA[7:0] and
FSP = False synchronization code protection decoding. Applies only to JPEG8 data format.
VP = Output to the Video processing hardware is enabled. Camera ISP CSI1/CCP2B Frame Acquisition
Program the number of frames that the CSI1/CCP2B receiver acquires:
[31:24] COUNT
Writes to the COUNT bit field are controlled by the
[16] COUNT_UNLOCK bit.
If COUNT = 0x0, the counter is free-running; frame acquisition lasts until disabled by the
programmer. It is the default value.
COUNT controls the number of frames to acquire. The values range between 1 and 255. The
COUNT value is decremented after each frame received. The software can read this value to
acquire the number of frames that remain to be acquired.
After the correct number of frames is received, acquisition is automatically disabled (
[0] CHAN_EN = 0x0) and the COUNT_IRQ interrupt is triggered. The programmer can reenable the
acquisition by resetting
[0] CHAN_EN to 0x1.
[17] PING_PONG indicates whether the PING address
) or PONG address (
) was used to store
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Camera Image Signal Processor
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated