Installation Overview
“h264hpvenc_ti_vc_lib.vcproj” from
This project contains two build configurations “Debug” and “Release”.
“Debug” configuration will disable all the optimizations to debug the
code. “Release” configuration will enable all the optimizations without
exposing symbols. Please select “Debug” configuration.
Right click on the above project in Visual Studio IDE and select Build
Project to build the algorithm library.
The built library, h264hpvenc_ti_vc.lib is available in the \Lib sub-directory.
Building Algorithm Library on Code Composer Studio
To build the algorithm library from source code in CCSv5, follow these steps:
Select the CCS Edit perspective in the workbench.
Add the project named “h264hpvenc_ti_c66x_lib” through “Import
Existing CCS
/CCE Eclipse Project” option to the workspace. All files
required for this project are available in the
\C6678_001\Src\Build\C66X\ sub-directory.
This project contains three
build configurations “Debug”, “Release”
and “Profile”. “Debug” configuration will disable all the optimizations
to debug the code in ELF mode. “Release” configuration will enable
all the optimizations without exposing symbols in ELF mode. Please
select “Release” configuration.
Right click on the above project in CCSv5 IDE and select Build
Project to build the algorithm library.
The built library, h264hpvenc_ti.le66 is available in the \Lib sub-directory.
Building Sample Test Application
Building Sample test application on Visual studio is specified in section 2.5.1. Building Sample test
application on CCS in case of compressed archive and RTSC package is specified in section 2.5.2
and 2.5.3 resepctively.
Building Sample Test Application on Visual Studio
The sample test application that accompanies this codec component will run in Microsoft Visual
Studio 2008 development environment. To build the sample test application in Visual studio 2008
Express edition, follow these steps:
Verify that you have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express
Edition development environment.
Verify that the following codec object libraries should exist in \Lib sub-
h264hpvenc_ti_vc.lib: H264 HP Encoder.
Start the Visual studio 2008 Express Edition.