Z-Stack User's Guide - CC2430ZDK
F8W-2005-0036 Version 1.4.3
2005-2007 Texas Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
2.3. Cables
All necessary cabling has been included with the development kit. To support program download
and debugging of SmartRF04EB and CC2430DB boards, a USB cable should be connected from
each target board to the host PC. RS232 cables may be connected between the serial port on
SmartRF04EB boards (9-pin connector) and the host PC to utilize Z-Tool™ and other programs
included with the Z-Stack package.
3. Installation Requirements
3.1. Host Computer Requirements
Z-Stack and Z-Tool are designed for installation on a personal computer running Microsoft
Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000. The following are the minimum requirements for
the platform hosting Z-Stack and Z-Tool:
.NET 1.1 Framework
Windows XP Service Pack 1 (if using Windows XP)
1 serial port for Z-Tool communication with the SmartRF04EB board
1 USB port for download/debug of SmartRF04EB and CC2430DB boards
3.2. Target Development System Requirements
Z-Stack provides a complementary offering to the IAR Embedded Workbench (EW8051) suite
of software development tools. These tools support project management, compiling, assembling,
linking, downloading, and debugging for various 8051-based processors, including the Chipcon
CC243x family. The following is required support for the Z-Stack target development system:
IAR EW8051 (
4. Product Installation Procedures
4.1. Install Z-Stack Package
Install the Texas Instruments Z-Stack files and programs from the downloaded package. Run the
windows-based installation program,
, which will create the required
directory structure and load all software and documentation files. Review the README.txt file
for a synopsis of new features and changes with this Z-Stack release.
4.2. Install IAR EW8051 Package
Install the Embedded Workbench for 8051 from IAR Systems:
. The project
and library files included in this release of Z-Stack were built and tested with EW8051 version
7.30B. When considering an upgrade to a newer version of EW8051, it is necessary to verify that
installed project and library files are compatible with the newer development tools.
4.3. Device IEEE Addresses
Each CC2430DB, CC2430EM, and CC2431EM board in the development kit has been pre-
programmed with a unique 64-bit IEEE address. These addresses, assigned by Chipcon, are
stored in
format, located in the upper 8 bytes of FLASH memory on the CC2430 or
CC2431 processor. The IEEE address is displayed on a sticker affixed to the bottom of each
CC2430DB, CC2430EM, or CC2431EM board