Predicted Y value (Y'), 88, 89, 93
Premium bond, 76
Present value (PV), 28, 29, 30
PRI (dollar price), 74, 75, 76, 78, 79
Principal paid (PRN), 28, 29
PRN (principal paid), 28, 29
adding to memory, 113
clearing memory, 113
computing bond price, 78
computing bond yield, 78
computing breakeven, 111
computing breakeven quantity, 111
computing compound interest, 101
computing cost-sell-markup, 101
computing dates, 107
computing internal rate of return, 66
computing net present value, 66
computing percent change, 101
computing statistical results, 93
converting interest, 105
deleting cash flows, 64
deleting data points, 92
dividing memory, 114
entering bond data, 77
entering cash flows, 63
entering data points, 91
entering depreciation data, 84
generating a depreciation schedule,
generating amortization schedules,
inserting cash flows, 65
inserting data points, 92
multiplying memory, 114
powers and memory, 114
profit-margin calculations, 109
selecting a depreciation, 84
selecting a statistics calculation
Procedures (continued)
storing to memory, 113
subtracting from memory, 113
using memory, 113
using the TVM worksheet, 33
Profit (PFT), 110, 111
Profit margin (MAR), 108, 109
Profit Margin worksheet, 108–9
PV (present value), 28, 29, 30
PWR (power regression), 88, 89, 90
Q (quantity), 110, 111
Quantity (Q), 110, 111
r (correlation coefficient), 88, 90, 96, 97
RAD (radians), 5, 7
Radians (RAD), 5, 7
Random numbers, 14, 15
RBV (remaining book value), 82, 83, 84
RDT (redemption date), 74, 75, 76, 77
RDV (remaining depreciable value), 82,
Recalling from memory, 17
Reciprocal, 14
Redemption date (RDT), 74, 75, 76, 77
Redemption value (RV), 74, 75, 76, 77
Regression models
exponential, 89, 90
linear, 89, 90
logarithmic, 89, 90
power, 89, 90
Remaining book value (RBV), 82, 83, 84
Remaining depreciable value (RDV), 82,
Resetting calculator, 3
Rounding, 14, 16, 128
RV (redemption value), 74, 75, 76, 77
SAL (salvage value), 82, 84
Salvage value (SAL), 82, 84
Sample standard deviation of X (Sx), 88,
Sample standard deviation of Y (Sy), 88
Savings, 27
Scientific notation, 16
SDT (settlement date), 74, 76, 77
Second (2nd), 4, 5
SEL (selling prince), 108, 109
Selling price (SEL), 108, 109
SET (setting), 5
Setting (SET), 5
Settlement date (SDT), 74, 76, 77
Sine, 14
SL (straight line), 82, 83, 84
SLF (French straight line), 82, 83, 84
Slope (b), 88
Square, 13
Square root, 14