BA II PLUS™ Calculator
I (discount rate), 60
I/Y (interest rate per year), 28, 29, 30
Indicators, 5
Inflows, 27, 29, 32
Initial cash flow (CFo), 60
INS (insert), 5
Insert (INS), 5
INT (interest paid), 28, 29
Interest Conversion worksheet, 104–5
Interest paid (INT), 28, 29
Interest rate per year (I/Y), 28, 29, 30
Internal rate of return (IRR), 60, 61, 66,
INV (inverse function), 5
Inverse function (INV), 5
IRR (internal rate of return), 60, 61, 66,
Last Answer (ANS), 20
Leases, 27
LIF (life of the asset), 82, 83, 84
Life of the asset (LIF), 82, 83, 84
LIN (linear regression), 88, 89, 90
Linear regression (LIN), 88, 89, 90
Ln (logarithmic regression), 88, 89, 90
Loans, 27, 29
Logarithm (natural), 14
Logarithmic regression (Ln), 88, 89, 90
M01 (starting month), 82, 83, 84
M0–M9 (memory), 17, 112, 113, 114
Mantissa, 16
MAR (profit margin), 108, 109
Math operations, 13
Mean of X (
Mean of Y (
arithmetic, 17
clearing, 11, 17
examples, 17
operations, 17
recalling from, 17
storing to, 17
Memory worksheet, 112–14
Mortgages, 27
Multiplication, 13
n (number of observations), 88, 89
N (number of periods), 28, 30
Natural antilogarithm, 14
Natural logarithm, 14
Negative (
Net present value (NPV), 60, 66
NEW (new value), 100, 101, 103
New value (NEW), 100, 101, 103
NOM (nominal rate), 104, 105
Nominal rate (NOM), 104, 105
NPV (net present value), 60, 66
Number of observations (n), 88, 89
Number of periods (#PD), 100, 101, 102
Number of periods (N), 28, 30
Number separator format, 9
OLD (old value), 100, 101, 103
Old value (OLD), 100, 101, 103
One coupon per year (1/Y), 74, 75, 77
One-variable statistics (1-V), 88, 89, 95
Outflows, 27, 32
P (unit price), 110, 111
P/Y (payments per year), 28, 29, 30
P1 (starting payment), 28, 29
P2 (ending payment), 28, 29
Par value, 76
Parentheses, 13, 15
Payment (PMT), 28, 29, 30
Payments per year (P/Y), 28, 29, 30
Percent, 13
Percent add-on, 13
Percent change (%CH), 100, 101, 102,
Percent Change/Compound Interest
worksheet, 100–103
Percent discount, 13
Percent ratio, 13
Permutations, 13, 16
PFT (profit), 110, 111
PMT (payment), 28, 29, 30
Population standard deviation of X (
Population standard deviation of Y (
Power regression (PWR), 88, 89, 90
Predicted X value (X'), 88, 89, 94