Texas Instruments Incorporated
TI-84 Plus CE Python – Tello Drone
Getting Started
Tello Drone
Installation of ti_runtime and 84 Plus CE Tello modules
Determine if your micro:bit card is a V1 or V2. The V2 card has scallops
on the board's gold edge, while the V1 is straight.
The Tello Drone only
works on a V2 board.
Download and unzip the Tello .zip file to a
convenient location on your computer, such as your desktop. Locate
the 2.x.x ti-runtime.hex file.
on how to configure your Tello drone.
Connect the micro:bit to your computer using a micro USB cable. The
micro:bit will appear as a flash drive icon on the computer. Drag and
drop the 2.x.x ti-runtime.hex file to the micro:bit icon. Alternatively,
left-click on the file and use the 'Send to' command to copy from the
Tello folder to the micro:bit card. This file provides functionality
between the TI-84 Plus CE Python
and the micro:bit card. The
ti_runtime installation is a one-time process. If the micro:bit is
connected back to the PC and programmed in a different language
other than Python, such as MakeCode, the ti_runtime.hex will need to
be installed again. See additional information at the end of the