Getting Started With 430BOOST-SENSE1 BoosterPack
Getting Started With 430BOOST-SENSE1 BoosterPack
The following sections describe the preparation necessary to run the user experience application demo
and to start developing applications with the MSP430G2452 for the Capacitive Touch BoosterPack.
Hardware Preparation
To prepare the Capacitive Touch BoosterPack hardware for its first use:
1. Solder both 10-pin male headers onto the LaunchPad's breakout pin connections J1 and J2. These
two 10-pin male headers and two 10-pin female headers come with the original LaunchPad kit.
If the 10-pin female headers are populated, use the 10-pin male headers as adapter to
further extend the connections to the LaunchPad. The additional distance adds minimal base
capacitance and does not affect the user experience of the kit.
2. Remove the J5 connections on the LaunchPad to disconnect the LaunchPad LEDs and keep them
from interfering with P1.0 and P1.6 functions of the Capacitive Sense BoosterPack.
3. Ensure jumpers VCC, TXD, and RXD of the J3 connection are populated for the user experience demo
to operate properly.
The jumpers RST and TEST must also be populated when programming the device. They
are not required for normal application operation.
4. Replace the existing MSP430 device in the LaunchPad MCU socket with the MSP430G2452 device
that comes with the Capacitive Sense BoosterPack kit.
Some revision 1.4 LaunchPad kits need a firmware update to support the MSP430G2452
devices; see FAQ #1 in
Section 6
5. Connect the Capacitive Sense BoosterPack board to the LaunchPad with proper orientation by
ensuring that the Texas Instruments logo and the text on the BoosterPack are in the same direction as
the text and logo on the Launchpad.
6. Connect the LaunchPad with an USB cable to a PC or connect an external power supply (2.7 V to
3.6 V) to J6. The user experience demo application lights the center LED when power is supplied to
the board.
The 32-kHz crystal/oscillator on pins 18 and 19 is not required for the user experience
application to run.
Software Preparation
The steps described in the following sections are not required for a LaunchPad Capacitive Touch
BoosterPack stand-alone demo. For all other purposes that require PC software interaction, proper
installation of the hardware driver and the software is required. To develop applications, its also necessary
to install one of the IDEs shown on the Tools and Software section of the MSP430 landing page
. More information on how to start developing applications for the LaunchPad and how
to install the drivers and IDEs that it requires can be found on the LaunchPad wiki page
All LaunchPad Capacitive Touch BoosterPack User Experience firmware and software described in the
following sections are provided in both binary/executable and source code forms, along with drivers
and supporting documentation. [10] A zip file containing these items can be downloaded from
The same software package link and updates can also be found on the LaunchPad wiki page
. When this package is
installed, all user experience application demos are stored in the Software folder in the selected
installation directory, and the source code for the projects can be found in the Source folder.
April 2011
Revised September 2011
430BOOST-SENSE1 - Capacitive Touch BoosterPack for the LaunchPad
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2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated