Capacitive Touch BoosterPack Hardware
Capacitive Touch Sensors
The six different capacitive touch sensor areas are connected to the Port 2 of the device. On the MSP430
Value Line devices with enabled touch-sense, Port 2 I/Os have no analog functionality. These I/Os also
have a smaller internal capacitance than Port 1, which make these them more sensitive than the
capacitive touch sensors on Port 1.
Figure 9
shows the connection of the capacitive touch sensor areas to the MSP430.
Figure 9. Capacitive Touch Sensor Areas
To enable the touch-sense feature of the I/Os, set the secondary port select PxSEL2 and clear the PxSEL
bit. The selected pins start oscillating immediately, and the frequency is a direct indication of the
capacitance connected to the port pin. The touch-sense I/Os oscillate within a frequency range of 1 to 2
MHz, which is strongly dependant on the supply voltage, the device package, and environmental
influences. For more information about the touch-sense feature of the Value Line devices, to download
code example, or to find application examples, go to the Capacitive Touch BoosterPack wiki page
) or get the MSP430
Capacitive Touch Sense Library (
), which
is used in the application demo included in this kit.
The Capacitive Touch BoosterPack hardware can also be used with other MSP430 devices.
Resistors R10 to R15 must be populated with a resistor to realize a RC discharge that can
be measured with a timer.
430BOOST-SENSE1 - Capacitive Touch BoosterPack for the LaunchPad
April 2011
Revised September 2011
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2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated