Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Tips, and Tricks
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Tips, and Tricks
1. The LaunchPad is unable to program the MSP430G2452.
Some of the revision 1.4 LaunchPad kits must have a firmware update to support the MSP430G2452
devices. Update the LaunchPad firmware with the application provided at
2. The touch-sense I/Os are not working when the LaunchPad is picked up.
Place the board flat on a table or other stable horizontal surface before using the Capacitive Touch
BoosterPack. Do not hold the board while it is in use; the contacts on the back of the Capacitive Touch
BoosterPack may be touched, which prevents the touch-sense I/Os from detecting user interaction.
3. My application is not able to light up all the LEDs.
The LEDs around the wheel are multiplexed; therefore, they cannot all be turned on simultaneously. Its
required to use a time-shared approach to light up all LEDs at once (see
Section 3.1
4. The button or the wheel is sometimes fails to detect the first touch.
Make sure to wave your hand 3 to 5 cm above the board to wake the device before actually touch the
wheel or button. The capacitive sensors are activated immediately after the wake-up sequence is
5. Windows Media Player is not starting.
Loading Windows Media Player might take some time, depending on the system. On some systems,
another media player program is associated with the Windows media keys.
The primary sources of MSP430 information are the device-specific data sheets and user's guides. The
most up-to-date versions of the documents can be found at the Texas Instruments MSP430 web page. [1]
All MSP430 LaunchPad and BoosterPack information can be found at the MSP430 LaunchPad wiki. [2]
The MSP430 LaunchPad and Value Line devices are supported in the latest versions of Code Composer
Studio [3] and IAR Embedded Workbench [4]. In-depth details on the supported IDEs (CCS and IAR) can
be found in the documentation folders of the IDE installation. IAR tool documentation (Workbench/C-SPY,
the assembler, the C compiler, the linker, and the library) is in the common\doc and 430\doc folders. CCS
documents is in the msp430\doc folder under the CCS installation path.
The FET user's guides [5] [6] also include detailed information on how to set up a project for the MSP430
using CCS or IAR Embedded Workbench. These user's guide are also included in the latest IDE releases.
5. Code Composer Studio v4.2 for MSP430(tm) User
s Guide (
6. IAR Embedded Workbench Version 3+ for MSP430(tm) User's Guide (
7. Capacitive Touch Sense Library (CAPSENSELIBRARY)
8. Capacitive Touch Sense Library User's Guide (
9. Capacitive Touch Sense Library Quick Start Guide (
10. Capacitive Touch BoosterPack Software and Design Documentation (
430BOOST-SENSE1 - Capacitive Touch BoosterPack for the LaunchPad
April 2011
Revised September 2011
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2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated