Recharging must be done using a battery charger at
constant voltage. Other recharging systems can irreversibly damage
the battery
6.3.1 Cutting deck alignment
The cutting
deck should be
properly set to
obtain a good cut.
For achieving
good results from
cutting, the front part
should always be 5-6mm
lower than the rear.
–Put the machine onto
a flat surface and check
the tyre pressures;
– Put 30 mm blocks under
the front edge of the deck and 35 mm blocks under the rear edge and
then put the lifting lever into position «2» ;
– Adjust the left front adjuster rod, right adjuster rod and right rear
adjuster rod keep the deck in touch with the blocks;
–Adjust the lift rod keep the deck in touch with the blocks.
In the flat lawn, if need, you can change
the position of wheel
to obtain a lower cut.
In the heave lawn, you
must set the wheel in the hole
In case of any doubts, do not hesitate to
contact your retailer.
6.3.2 Cutting blades disengage
When you move the
blade rotation engagement lever
to the DISENGAGE position, all movement will stop within five seconds if
the adjustment is correct.
In case of any doubts, do not hesitate to
contact your retailer.