When Performance Matters.
If incorrectly used, this machine can cause severe injury. Those who use
and maintain this machine should be trained in its proper use, warned of its
dangers, and should read the entire manual before attempting to set up,
operate, adjust, or service the machine.
This manual is designed to assist dealer
personnel with the proper set up and
preparation of the equipment prior to
delivery to the customer. You may wish to
keep a copy in your customer file.
Do Not Remove the Safety & Operation
Manual or Parts & Maintenance Manual
from the tractor.
For additional information not included in
this manual, refer to your office copy of:
The Safety & Operation Manual
The Parts & Maintenance Manual
Use the pre-delivery checklist provided on
the inside back cover of this manual. You
may wish to provide a copy to the
customer upon delivery of the unit.
HR 9016 Turbo
70528 – Kubota V3300
70529 – Kubota V3300, with ROPS
70530 – Kubota V3300, EC
70531 – Kubota V3300, EC with ROPS
- These units must have either a certified cab or ROPS
installed by the Dealer before the mower can be put into
service and registered for warranty coverage.
4136605-Rev A