TIP675-SW-42 – VxWorks Device Driver
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1.2 IPAC Carrier Driver
IndustryPack (IPAC) carrier boards have different implementations of the system to IndustryPack bus
bridge logic, different implementations of interrupt and error handling and so on. Also the different byte
ordering (big-endian versus little-endian) of CPU boards will cause problems on accessing the
IndustryPack I/O and memory spaces.
To simplify the implementation of IPAC device drivers which work with any supported carrier board,
TEWS TECHNOLOGIES has designed a so called Carrier Driver that hides all differences of different
carrier boards under a well defined interface.
The TEWS TECHNOLOGIES IPAC Carrier Driver CARRIER-SW-42 is part of this TIP675-SW-42
distribution. It is located in directory CARRIER-SW-42 on the corresponding distribution media.
This IPAC Device Driver requires a properly installed IPAC Carrier Driver. Due to the design of the
Carrier Driver, it is sufficient to install the IPAC Carrier Driver once, even if multiple IPAC Device
Drivers are used.
Please refer to the CARRIER-SW-65 User Manual for a detailed description how to install and setup
the CARRIER-SW-42 device driver, and for a description of the TEWS TECHNOLOGIES IPAC Carrier
Driver concept.
How to use the carrier driver in the application program is shown in the programming example
If the IPAC carrier driver isn’t used for the IPAC driver setup, the application software has to setup
carrier board hardware, mapping of device memory and interrupt level setup by itself.