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LCD Screen
The LCD screen has 3 main menu screens and 7 auxiliary screens. Pressing the arrow key button on the
front panel cycles through the main screens. Pressing the “Menu” button for 3 seconds will switch from basic
display mode and advanced display mode (where all screens are cycled). Submenus can be selected by
pressing “Menu”. The screens are:
Main Screen
N 6175 pt H
Size 73 nm 74%
N 6175 pt
Size 73 nm 74%
In the main screen, the current particle number concentration and the average particle size are displayed.
Note that the relative accuracy of these numbers depends on the concentration level. In the right upper cor-
ner 4 status symbols are visible or invisible depending on the status of the testo DiSCmini: a lightning bolt for
high voltage, a for
ow, a H for heating and a blinking circle when recording. On the lower right corner, the
remaining battery charge is displayed. This is only an approximate value. Pressing the right arrow button ( )
will lead you to the raw data screen, pressing the left arrow button ( ) will lead you to the surface area screen.
Raw Data Screen (Main)
+ 8.8 fA H
+ 26.9 fA 74%
+ 26.9
The raw data screen displays the measured currents in fA on the electrometer stages; the upper value is the
diffusion stage, the lower value the
lter stage. These values are not offset-corrected, i.e. not the real mea-
sured values, but rather measured value minus offset.
The offset get compensated during the start-up process. The offset is additionally recorded every hour (more
detail on Automatic Offset Measurement section page 13). The offset can be set manually by using the
electrometer-related problems screen to diagnose (see offset compensation section).
Press the left arrow button to go back to the main screen