6. When one has descended to an altitude unsafe for flying as a pure sailplane, adhere to the
following procedure:
- select a suitable strip for an emergency landing
– perform an approach and landing as desctibed in 4.9 or
– extend engine and restart as described in 4.8.4
– if the engine fails to start, land at the preselected emergency landing strip
: When flying over 300 m (900 ft) AGL or during thermic flights, the pilot should be
equipped with personal parachute. This is not needed if the aircraft is equipped with
integrated rescue system (BRS).
1. Bring the aircraft into level flight mode, reduce airspeed to 90-100 km/h [49-54 kt].
Reduce the engine rpm down to its idle rpm
2. ignition switch off, fuel valve off
3. after the engine has stopped, wait about 30 seconds for cooling of the engine and its
exhaust manifold
4. during this cooling put the main switch (key) into the position 1
5. open the engine doors by activating the engine retraction push button
6. wait until the windmill effect has moved the propeller into the vertical position, check in the
mirror to ascertain that the propeller is indeed in the vertical position (stopped by the
plastic flap)
7. activate for the second time the engine retracting push button. The relevant pilot lamp
flashes. The engine is being retracted
8. The engine is fully retracted when the pilot light goes off.
9. turn the main switch (key) back to the position 0.
Extension or retraction of the engine can be reversed at any time by activating the
relevant push button. Switching-off the main switch after any manipulation of the engine (up
or down), is highly recommended. This provides aditional protection for the actuator motor.
Any appliances like radio, GPS etc. must be connected to the battery directly, by-passing the
main switch (key).
Switching-off of the engine or its retraction should always be done only in a
stable straight flight. Remember, that the engine with the stopped propeller causes a
significant increase in drag and deterioration of the flight characteristics
Prior to extending and retracting the engine during the flight, fully familiarize
yourself with the procedure while on the ground. Only after all the above mentioned steps are
mastered, should one attempt them during flight. Take into account that the time necessary
for the extension of the engine and its starting takes approximately one minute.
1. After releasing the tow rope or retracting the engine, trim the aircraft for level flight at the
speed desired.
2. The aircraft is fully trimable in the whole range of allowed speeds. All of the control
surfaces are effective throughout the whole speed range, the dive brakes have
essentially no influence on the trim. The view from the cockpit to the front and upper
TST-14 M – Aircraft Manual
rev.0 issued 2006-11-29 – page 24 of 40