TI3560 12-24 GPU
Operating Procedures
When all LED status indicator bars illuminate, both the converter and power
cells are supplying 24 Vdc power output for current demands above 40 amps
(or 20 amps for 12 Vdc).
Engine Starting
Prior to engine start, ensure power cell charge is sufficient to provide an efficient engine start. Check dc
power cable for secure and correct installation prior to engine starting. Follow ground power engine starting
procedure as specified in vehicle operator’s manual.
Removing DC Power Supply From Vehicle
Remove dc power cable GPU connector from vehicle.
Remove dc power cable connector from TI3560 12-24 GPU (if necessary).
Reinstall dc Receptacle’s Protective Cover.
3.12 – Regulated AC Power
Plugging in with AC Power
When the TI3560 12-24 GPU is plugged into ac power, the output is 28.5 volts. This voltage allows the
system to recondition and recharge the vehicle’s battery(ies). It is also an optimum voltage for powering
avionics and lighting on most aircraft. The GPU’s ac to dc converter produces continuous amps of dc power
depending on the size of the system.
Unplug ac power cord before starting engine with unit.
Check Input Voltage Selector Switch for proper setting.
Low Power Demand
Low power demand is a requirement of less than 20 amps for the 12 Vdc output and 40 amps for the 24 Vdc
output. While power demands remain under these current levels, converter outputs will remain at 14.25 Vdc
and 28.5 Vdc and only one green LED on the Capacity Meters will illuminate.
High Power Demand
High power demand is a requirement of 20 amps or more for the 12 Vdc output and 40 amps for the 24 Vdc
output. When current demands go above these levels, the converter output voltages will drop and two or
more LED Capacity Meter bars will illuminate. At ap prox imately 20 amps of current demand for the 12 Vdc
output, the converter output voltage will be regulated to 12 Vdc. For the 24 Vdc output, approximately 40
amps of current will cause the converter to regulate the voltage to 24 Vdc. In both cases, the last red LED
on the Capacity Meter will illuminate.