KATC-C1 Instructions
Page 16
This command causes the KATC-C1 to send a reduced printout
through the serial port. The reduced printout contains only test result
data, no heading information is included. This is done to speed the
transfer of data from the KATC-C1 to the computer. An example of
this printout is also included in the next section.
This command causes the KATC-C1 to send the present transformer-
under-test secondary test current value to the computer through the se-
rial port. The format of this data is shown in the next section. This
function is useful if the KATC-C1 is used in an automatic test system.
This output can be monitored and used to ensure that the equipment
has set the test current to the proper level.
RS-232 Data Record Formats
There are four possible data record outputs for the KATC-C1:
Ratio Error and Minutes,
Ratio Error and Milliradians,
Ratio Correction Factor and Minutes, and
Ratio Correction Factor and Milliradians.
In addition, the KATC-C1 has two other printouts (reduced printout and test current output), described
in the preceding section. The format of these printouts are provided here, as well.
Data files of KATC-C1 data are written in ASCII format and can be printed as ASCII files. They will
appear in the same formats as the examples shown later in this document. Each record of data will be
stored as one long string of bytes. Thus, to locate a particular field of data, you must know in which
byte it begins. The record layouts given here show the
byte locations for the data fields in each
of the four records and the two special printouts described above.
All test data records are of
format. Each record is 382 bytes in length.
In the record layouts, the data fields are delimited by a double line ( º ). The first byte of each field is
indicated by the byte position above it.
Also in the record layouts:
(hexadecimal 0D)
(hexadecimal 0A)
X = place holder indicating possible positions for data
± =
plus/minus indicator
The following pages provide layouts for all possible KATC-C1 outputs. Each layout shows the
printout which is obtained when the Print key is pressed, and an individual byte-wise description of
the printouts.