Software installation
Inserting the Installation CD will automatically start the setup utility. If not, start the program
manually in the main folder of the CD.
The setup utility will do a lot of the work for you. However, it cannot all be done automatically.
For a complete installation, some points still must be considered.
Installation of DirectX 9
As often in the beginning, some things don't seem to work the way we want them to. With
DirectX 9, Microsoft offers many improvements and patches, which are absolutely necessary
for digital video editing. Please install DirectX first!
Installation of Ulead DVD VideoStudio 7 SE and MovieFactory 2 SE
Install DVD VideoStudio 7 and MovieFactory 2 SE from the installation CD. Simply follow the
instructions provided.
We have provided extensive documentation for both aplications on the installation CD.
Installation of Prodad Adorage Magic
The Adorage Magic effect package must be installed after the installation of VideoStudio 7, as
the effects will be integrated into VideoStudio. Simply follow the instructions provided.
VideoSystem Cameo 200 RT (English)