2007 Terramite Corporation
Charleston, WV/USA
USA 1.800.428.3772
Intl. 1 .304.776.4231
Read Operators Manual For Safety
Service Operations
In this section there are very important safety rules
that you must be aware of before operating any
Terramite product. When you see the symbol next
to a headline, it will indicate that the paragraph
contains important safety information.
For the Beginner
Regardless of whether you have purchased or rented a
Terramite Street Sweeper to perform a job that you wish
to complete as
quickly as pos-
sible, it is manda-
tory that you read
through the oper-
ating sections of
this manual before
operating the
machine. The few
minutes it will take
will not only give
you a solid basis for learning to operate the Terramite Street
Sweeper correctly, but you will have the assurance that
you are operating the machine in a safe manner. We have
made every effort to make the Terramite Street Sweeper
the safest machine of its kind in the industry, but that is as
far as we can go. The rest is up to you. Please help us by
carefully reading this handbook and complying with its
safety suggestions.
If You Must Use the Terramite
Street Sweeper Right Now
Without question it is to your advantage and safety that
you take the time to follow the operator training suggestions.
Only with some guidance can you expect to become a
master at the controls of a Terramite Street Sweeper in a
reasonably short period. However, if this is not possible,
first read the operating and safety rules section of the
handbook, then at least practice for about twenty minutes.
Just getting used to how the controls function will make
your first attempt at working with the machine far more
pleasurable, productive and, most important, safe.
Safety Guidelines
Suggested Training for the Beginner
We believe you will find the training procedures an
interesting and very rewarding experience. As you read
through the Operator’s Handbook, you will note that it is
as much a safety guide as it is an instruction manual.
Learning the various functions of the machine in a
programmed order is the most logical approach to becoming
a safe and skilled operator. It will take a little time but it
will undoubtedly be the best investment in time and money
you can make as a new Terramite Street Sweeper operator
and/or owner. Only when the operator has mastered the
controls of the machine and is in full command of its
capabilities will the owner fully realize the rewards of his
investment. Only after the operator has full knowledge of
the safety considerations of the Terramite Street Sweeper,
which are covered in this handbook, should he be allowed
to operator the machine.
Do I Need an Instructor?
At this point, it is only natural that there be some concern
as to whether or not you are taking on something that should
require an instructor. There is bound to be some question
in your mind as to whether you can possibly hurt the
machine or the machine can hurt you. The answer to both
questions is definitely YES, but not likely. As to the machine,
we have designed the Terramite Street Sweeper to protect
itself from exceeding its own limits. As to the operator,
we have made every effort to design and build the
Terramite Street Sweeper with your safety in mind. As to
the beginner, we have no record of anyone being seriously
injured while learning to use a Terramite Street Sweeper
and, to the best of our knowledge, the vast majority have
accomplished it pretty much on their own. However, we
feel the first step is to read the Operator’s Handbook. This
should give you some basis for determining whether you
may need personal instruction. If you feel you do, contact
your local dealer or call Terramite Corporation: 1-800-428-
We have your Safety in Mind.
Our experience would indicate that most beginners just
climb aboard and start pushing controls. Although it says
something about how easy it is to operate the Terramite
Street Sweeper, it completely ignores the safety aspects
of operating the machines. Even if you have someone
assisting you in learning to operate the Terramite Street