Multiswitches MS951 (cascadable unit) and MS952 (end unit) are designed for installation of small and medium size SAT
and terrestrial TV community antenna systems.
The multiswitches are intended for indoor use only.
Installation of the multiswitches must be done according IEC60728-11 and national safety standards.
The multiswitches are powered from the stabilized power 18V. This voltage is not dangerous to life.
Any repairs must be done by a qualified personnel.
To avoid damaging of the multiswitch do not connect the supply voltage until all cables have been connected correctly.
The multiswitch shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing water and no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall
be placed on it.
Avoid placing the multiswitch next to central heating components
, near highly combustible materials
and in areas of high
No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on multiswitch.
If the multiswitch has been kept in cold conditions for a long time, keep it in warm room no less than 2 hours before powering.
The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the multiswitch with items, such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains.
From top, front and bottom of installed multiswitch must be at least 5 cm free space.
IF signals must be connected as shown on case of the multiswitch to ensure correct access to SAT TV signals.
It is important to equalize the average signal levels from satellites before connecting them to multiswitch. If the difference
10 dB, it is recommended to use a multichannel amplifier SA901. The amplitude of terrestrial TV input signal must be inside
the interval 90
100 dBµV.
All idle RF connectors must be loaded with 75
terminators. Terminators for SAT TV trunk lines must be with DC blocking.
The multiswitch MS952 (end unit) has DC connector for LNBs power supply. When 18 V DC power supply is connected the
voltage 14 V is obtained in vertical polarization connectors and 18V in horizontal polarization connectors. This power supply is
used only for LNBs powering and has not any contact with internal multiswitch circuit. The multiswitch is powered from a receiver. The
voltage drop no more than 0.1 V may occur in each MS951 (cascadable unit) through path when current up to 1 A is consumed.
MS951 MS952
Zakres częstotliwości
0.95-2.4 GHz
sygnały naziemne
5-862 MHz
Tłumienie odgałęzienia
3 dB
sygnały naziemne
- 19 dB
Maks. poziom wyjściowy (SAT IF, IMD>30 dB)
93 dB
Separacja między wejściami SAT
> 30 dB
Separacja między wejściami
> 30 dB
tor naziemny
> 30 dB
Tłumienie przelotowe
- 3 dB
tor naziemny
- 3.5 dB
Zasilanie przelotowe
maks. 1 A
Zas. z zewn. źródła 18V
linie V
14 V & maks. 0.5 A
linie H
18 V & maks. 1 A
Pobór prądu z tunera SAT
60 mA maks.
Sygnały sterujаce
14/18 V, 0/22 kHz, tone burst or DiSEqC 2.0
Zakres temperatur pracy
Wymiary / Masa (z opakowaniem)
199x106x34 mm/0.4 kg
199x97x34 mm/0.37 kg
Draugystes str. 22, LT-51256 Kaunas, Lithuania, tel.: +370 37
31 34 44, fax: +370 37
- 31 35 55
E-mail: [email protected], http://www.terraelectronics.com
Ten produkt jest zgodny z Dyrektywą UE Nr 2002/96/EC. Po zakończeniu użytkowania musi być być poddany
recyklingowi lub usunięty zgodnie z panującymi w danym kraju regulacjami.
Urządzenie przeznaczone wyłącznie do użytku wewnątrz budynków.
TERRA deklaruje, że produkt ten wyprodukowany został w zgodzie z normą EU EMC EN50083-2 oraz normą
bezpieczeństwa EN60065, RoHS EN50581.
TERRA eklaruje, że produkt ten wyprodukowany został w zgodzie z obowiązującymi w Federacji Rosyjskiej
normami: EMC ГОСТ Р 51318.22-2006, ГОСТ Р 51318.24-99, ГОСТ Р 51317.3.2-2006,
ГОСТ Р 51317.3.3-2008 oraz normą bezpieczeństwa ГОСТ IEC 60950-1-2011.
Vers. 1.01