Setting Up the THINTV1A
Coaxial Cable Installation Precautions
• Do not bend coaxial cables into less than a three-
inch radius. Tighter bends can cause shorts and can
change a cable’s impedance.
• Do not install a coaxial cable where it will have
a pulling tension greater than 15 pounds during
installation. After installation, make sure there is no
tension on the cable.
• Use only round-headed staples. Any clamps or
securing devices used with coax should grip the
cable evenly about the circumference without
crushing the cable. Flat staples can damage the
coaxial cable.
• Do not expose a coaxial cable to a temperature
greater than 176 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the
cable away from heating vents and water heaters.
• Make sure you uncoil the antenna’s coaxial cable
completely. Leaving it coiled will reduce reception