5. USB/UART Normal Operation
Operation of the TeraRanger Evo People Counter
sensor module
The TeraRanger Evo People Counter counts people passing by.
The output of the sensor is:
A sensor ID, to allow the identification of the sensor when part of a multi-sensor
A meter counting the difference between In and Out
A meter counting the number of people passing by, from left to right (In)
A meter counting the number of people passing by, from right to left (Out)
The sensor should be installed with the USB/UART Connector placed on the right side,
as shown in figure 9.
Figure 9: Sensor orientation for the Evo People Counter
The detection range of this mode can be adjusted from a minimum of 0.05 m to a
maximum of 1.7 m. To detect a person passing the set detection range has to be
Installation of Graphical User Interface Package
and Raspberry Pi
Open a terminal in the evo_people_counter folder
Type: Pip install -r requirements.txt
Launch: main.py by typing: python3 main.py
Terabee 2021
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)