USB backboard use
The USB backboard comes with a standard Micro-USB connector.
Graphical User Interface
A free Graphical User Interface (GUI) is available, providing an easy way to visualize the
data from your TeraRanger Evo 64px sensor. This is useful for demonstration, testing
purposes and checking some of the basic parameters of the sensor. It also provides a way
to easily export raw distance data and upgrade the firmware running on the device.
The GUI is available for download here:
GUI Download
. (See “Download” section of the
TeraRanger Evo 64px product page).
For usage on Windows 7 and Windows 8, please download the Virtual COM Port driver from
follow the
”ReadMe file”
instructions given by the installer
. After successful installation, unplug the interface for a
few seconds, and plug it back in. The virtual COM port should now be available on your PC.
Users of Windows 10 do not need to download this driver as the built in Windows driver is
Basic Operation
During installation of the GUI, you might receive a notification from Windows about an
unknown application trying to start (Figure 3). In the “Windows protected your PC” screen
More info > Run anyway
to proceed with Evo 64px GUI installation and please be
advised that running this application will not put your PC at risk.
Terabee 2018
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)