5 Communication
UART protocol information
The UART communication for the TeraRanger Evo 64px uses a simple protocol via UART
depending on the backboard used with the sensor.
The communication parameters for UART are:
Baud Rate
: 3000000
Data Bits
: 8
Stop Bit(s)
: 1
: None
HW Flow Control
: None
USB protocol information
The USB communication for the TeraRanger Evo 64px uses a simple protocol via USB
depending on the backboard used with the sensor.The communication parameters for the
USB VCP are:
Baud Rate
: 115200
Data Bits
: 8
Stop Bit(s)
: 1
: None
HW Flow Control
: None
The user can send commands to configure the sensor to work in a specific mode. The frame
of the command is built concatenating 8 bit address of the TeraRanger Evo 64px, 4 bit
Command (CMD) code, 4 bit for data count (indicating how many bytes of data will follow), N
bytes of the data itself and a CRC-8 (8 bit) checksum of the entire frame in the last byte. The
layout is depicted in Figure 12.
Figure 12. Frame structure for Evo 64px commands
Terabee 2018
Terabee, 90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630, St Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN)