WX-1 Series Instrument Revised: 10.3.19
pg. 12
Each time the instrument’s STORE button is pressed, a log of that web tension
will be stored into memory for later review.
View Data Stats
This feature allows the operator to view the basis statistics of the
logged data (Count, Average, Minimum/Maximum, and Standard
View Data Log
When data is logged to the instrument memory, that data and the
statistics of that data log (Count, Average, Minimum/Maximum, and
Standard Deviation) can be seen under the Data Logging / View Data
Stats screen. To view this logged data:
Scroll to DATA LOGGING and press ENTER.
Scroll to VIEW DATA LOG and press ENTER.
Clear Single Point Log
To clear stored data, scroll to CLEAR SINGLE PT LOG, press ENTER,
and follow the prompts.
To change the unit of measure in which tension readings are logged:
Scroll to Tension Units and press ENTER.
Use the Up and Down arrows to select Kilograms,
DecaNewtons or Pounds and press ENTER.
Press ENTER while this display is shown to show the available options for the
material types. Use the up or down arrow to scroll to the option you want and
press ENTER to select it.
General Calibration Precautions
1. To verify the accuracy of your instrument, check the tension on a sample
length of web by suspending known weights from the opposite end.
2. When performing this test, use a micrometer to measure your web
thickness and ensure it is dimensionally within tolerance.
3. Only use free-hanging weights which are traceable to National Standards
on correctly-sized webs. (See Figure 7.)
4. Never use any tensioning device that attempts to convert rotational torque
values into tension loads, as these types of systems are highly inaccurate.
Also, any load cell system must be routinely checked for accuracy using
traceable weights as these types of systems are also highly inaccurate
and generally do not meet the minimum repeatable accuracy standards
required by ISO-17025.