VoIP Doorphone Interface AA-15IP
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7.11. Call buttons
In the configuration of AA-15 only key 1 is to be filled in to send the call to an operator, the possibility of key 2 will
be used in the future.
The call button means the incoming call from the intercom interfaced with the AA-15 system following a visitor who
has pressed the call button of the external unit, following this event it is possible to program which telephone
number of the internal network the call from the intercom must be addressed.
It is possible to enter, for each operating mode (day, night, interval), up to 2 numbers registered in the IP-PBX to
P2P (Peer-to-Peer) call:
in the absence of an IP-PBX it is possible to insert in the windows the IP address of the
terminal to be called, a P2P call will therefore be established when Key 1 is pressed.
NOTE: it should be noted that the AA-15 system works in a "transparent" way and does not affect the functionality
of the intercom system, this means that the operations of warning (knocking), communication with the visitor, gate
opening can continue to be normally carried out also from the internal intercom station.
7.12. Messages management
In this window it is possible to change/listen to the messages for “Calling”, “Alarms”, “Announcement” and “Ringer”.
Memory contains a default message for each position, the user can change any of them and the messages format
must be WAV PCM 8 kHz, 16 bit, mono.