How to Enter A Phone Number
Use the following key sequence to enter the unit’s phone number. After entering Technician
Programming Mode and then the NAM Menu,
2 # 1 # 3 # <phone number> #
You may enter a ten-digit phone number.
How to Enter the Access Overload Class (ACCOLC) (Access Priority Setting)
Use the following key sequence to enter the ACCOLC. After entering Technician Programming Mode
and then the NAM Menu,
2 # 1 # 4 # <ACCOLC> #
You may enter a two digit access overload class number between
. If any other number is
entered, the Phonecell will reject it and return to the previous stored number.
How to Set the Primary Channel (800 MHz only)
Use the following key sequence to set the primary channel. After entering Technician Programming
Mode and then the NAM Menu,
2 # 1 # 5 # <A/B> <0000> #
A/B represents the system chosen and 0000 is a four digit channel number.
1 #
represents A,
2 #
represents B.
How to Set the Secondary Channel (800 MHz only)
Use the following key sequence to set the secondary channel. After entering Technician
Programming Mode and then the NAM Menu,
2 # 1 # 6 # <A/B> <0000> #
Choose System A or B and a four digit channel number.
1 #
represents A,
2 #
represents B.
How to Set the Acquisition SID (System Identification Number) (800 MHz only)
The acquisition SID identifies the systems which the phone is enabled to acquire. Five SIDs may be
input, each having a five digit number. The factory programs all SIDs as 00000. Use the following
key sequence to set the SIDs.
2 # 1 # 7 # <SID> <00000> #
Five SIDs, represented by
1 #
2 #
, etc., and a 5 digit SID may be entered.
How to Input the Lock SID (System Identification Number) (800 MHz only)
The Lock SID is the identification of the system whose signal the phone is prohibited from acquiring.
Five LOCK SIDs may be input, each having a five digit number. The factory default is 00000 for all
2 # 1 # 8 # <SID> <00000> #
Five different SIDs may be entered as
1 #
2 #
, etc., as well as their 5 digit identifier.
How to Enable the Home SID
This option determines whether or not the phone is allowed to use the Home SID. The factory
default is YES. Use the following key sequence to set the Home SID.
2 # 1 # 9 # <Y/N>
1 #
represents YES,
2 #
represents NO.
How to Enable the Foreign SID
This option determines whether or not the phone is allowed to use a foreign system. Use the
following key sequence to set the foreign SID.
2 # 1 # 10 # <Y/N>
1 #
represents YES,
2 #
represents NO.
How to Enable the Foreign NID
This option enables or disables a foreign NID. Use the following key sequence to set or cancel the
foreign NID.
2 # 1 # 11 # <Y/N>
1 #
represents YES,
2 #
represents NO.
SX4e CDMA 800 • SX4e CDMA 1900
Technical Manual