How to add words to the built in Dictionary (My Words)
predictive text mode enter unknown words by choosing Spell Word?
From the text entry screen press the
Options key and select My Words
The first time you use
My Words press OK to Add a new word
Type the new word using the
ABC, abc or 123 modes then press OK to Save it
My Words you can press the Options key to Edit, Delete or Delete all words.
Special Characters and SMS Message Length
SMS length
If your text message exceeds 160 characters or 70 Unicode characters then you will get
charged for multiple SMS messages.
€ \
[ ] { }
These symbols use 2 standard SMS characters.
This symbol is not part of the SMS character set. Each time this symbol is used the
entire message is converted to Unicode.
The maximum number of Unicode characters per SMS is 70.
Number of characters
SMS Message count