GE864-QUAD Automotive V2 Hardware User Guide
1vv0300840 Rev.0.1 24/11/09
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7.1 Reset signal
Bga Ball
Phone reset I
RESET is used to reset the
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2 modules
. Whenever this signal is pulled low, the
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2 is reset. When the device is reset it stops any operation. After the
release of the reset GE864-QUAD Automotive V2 is unconditionally shut down, without doing any
detach operation from the network where it is registered. This behaviour is not a proper shut down
because any GSM device is requested to issue a detach request on turn off. For this reason the Reset
signal must not be used to normally shutting down the device, but only as an emergency exit in the
rare case the device remains stuck waiting for some network response.
The RESET is internally controlled on start-up to achieve always a proper power-on reset sequence,
so there's no need to control this pin on start-up. It may only be used to reset a device already on that
is not responding to any command.
: do not use this signal to power off the
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
. Use the ON/OFF signal to
perform this function or the AT#SHDN command.
Reset Signal Operating levels
RESET Input high
RESET Input low
* this signal is internally pulled up so the pin can be left floating if not used.
If unused, this signal may be left unconnected. If used, then it
must always be connected with an
open collector transistor
, to permit to the internal circuitry the power on reset and under voltage
lockout functions.