9 Connect to the vehicle
This paragraph describes the procedure to install the device on board of your vehicle and check if the
installation has been performed properly
Please take proper ESD protection measures (e.g. electrical connection of the
body to ground) to make sure you don’t destroy internal electronics! Repair of
ESD damages caused by users negligence will not be covered by Telic’s
warranty. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden and momentary electric
current that flows between two objects at different electrical potentials
normally caused by static electricity.
9.1 Placing the device into the vehicle
In order to protect your vehicle from theft and vandalism the device should be installed in a location
where it and its power supply are well-hidden. Using the cable-cases on box surfaces, please install
the device in a suitable, dry location, not in contact to radio and audio frequency interference or hot
parts of the vehicle like near the engine. When installing the device please consider that antennas
are integrated, this means it must be installed in a place with a minimum distance of 7 cm to metallic
components of the vehicle in each direction. In order to optimize the quality of the signal received,
the surface of the internal GPS internal antenna must be installed looking at the sky (see the label
indication on the device box-this side up).
9.2 Wiring connection
Please connect the Telic SBC-AVL remote control unit to the vehicle according to the following
instructions using the connection cable. Please do not connect the connector to the Telic SBC-AVL
remote control unit before all cables you intent to use are connected to the vehicle. The power
supply has to be available while the ignition is off.
The black wire (pin 6 on molex connector) must be connected to the GROUND (pin 31 of the vehicle)
and the red wire (pin 1 on molex connector) must be connected to VCC (pin 30 of the vehicle).
The yellow wire (pin 5 on molex connector) must be connected to ignition (pin 15 of the vehicle).
All other wires have to be connected to the related interface, otherwise please ensure that they can
not cause short circuit.
The advantage of constant power supply is that the device is able to connect faster to the GSM
network and it can find faster a new GPS position after ignition was switched from “OFF” to “ON”.
This means that for example working time calculations will be more precise. With ignition off the
power consumption of the Telic SBC-AVL is low enough that it does not interfere with proper
functionality of the vehicle battery.
If the Telic SBC-AVL remote control unit is configured to use a motion dependent power mode, the
device can detect and report that it is moving (e.g. if it is stolen or being transported via a second
vehicle) even while ignition is off.