International Presence plc
This is the name of the company that the address is for. This field is used to identify a message on
the Telex/Fax/400 queue. It has no other purpose.
This is the name of the individual that the address is for. This field will be used as an attention line to
be placed at the top of the first page of a message.
Delay Time
A 24 hour time which specifies the earliest time that a message may be transmitted.
Resolution Override
May be used to force a certain fax resolution.
Disable Log Print
May be used to specify that messages sent to this destination should not be printed on any outgoing
message log printer.
Disable Batching
May be used to force the message not to be batched with other messages to the same destination.
Customer Ref 1, 2, 3
May be used for any additional fields that are to be stored within the Address Book. These fields are
not currently used within Telex/Fax/400.
Address 1, 2, 3, Town/City, County/State, Postcode/Zip Code, Telephone
May be used to store extra information within the Address Book. These fields are not currently used
within Telex/Fax/400.
Alt Address Type
The first character of this field is used to identify the type of address contained within the Alt Address
Field. Available options are:- Fax, Telex, Internet. Other characters are treated as None.
Alternative Address
This field specifies the Alternative Address that is used if the message could not be sent to the primary
address. Its content is the same as for the Address field above.
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